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Ear wax removal Service

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At the Slough pharmacy, we employ two methods of earwax removal, microsuction and irrigation (also known as syringing), and we may once in a blue moon complement either of these with manual removal utilizing a Jobson horn.

Microsuction is our preferred ear wax removal method

Microsuction is the removal method we favor, as it is non-invasive and very comfortable. It is far cleaner and considerably quicker than irrigation. To make removal of ear wax easier, we ask our customers to apply olive oil drops inside their ears for minimum 2–3 days, but ideally a week, prior to the actual day of ear wax removal. Microsuction is the only suitable wax removal method for those with known middle ear conditions or perforations.

Irrigation is more suitable in some cases

Also known as syringing, we generally use this technique of wax removal upon request or in the select few cases where it is far more suitable. With irrigation, wax softening is essential condition for success and hence we require that you apply sodium bicarbonate or olive oil drops inside your ears for 7–10 days prior to actual date of removal of wax. Point to be noted here is that irrigation is simply not an option if you have a known middle ear condition or perforation.

Why ear wax removal is a compulsion?

Every single person has earwax to varying levels, there is no exceptions. Earwax is formed inside the ears basically to keep them clean and germs free. It typically passes out of the ears naturally and harmlessly without even being noticed by you, however, some people are prone to blockage causing earwax build-up, which requires forced removal. A build-up of earwax can’t be ignored as it can cause earache, itchiness, hearing loss, tinnitus and ear infections, and even vertigo.