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NHS Pharmacy First Service

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The Pharmacy First service will start on January 31, 2024, aiming to reduce 10 million GP visits annually. This includes allowing women to obtain oral contraception from their pharmacist without first needing to see a GP, extending NHS blood pressure checks to pharmacies, and Pharmacy First will allow people with 7 minor illnesses (listed below) to get advice and medication from a pharmacist without first seeing their GP.

The Pharmacy First Service will replace the current Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS), which includes urgent repeat medication supply and referrals for minor illnesses.

Pharmacy First Service will allow pharmacists to provide advice to patients and issue medicines if appropriate for seven common conditions. This will include some prescription-only medicines, which will be issued under patient-group directions (PGDs).

The seven conditions covered are

  • sinusitis
  • sore throat
  • earache
  • infected insect bite
  • impetigo
  • shingles
  • uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women

The service can be delivered remotely, providing there is the ability to conduct a face-to-face assessment either in person or via a ‘good quality’ video consultation if necessary.

Patient Registration

we accept both electronic and paper NHS prescriptions. Please use the form below to register with us. Ask your GP to send your prescription to us and will let you know when it ready by an SMS text message.