NHS Blood Pressure Checking
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Free NHS Blood Pressure Checking Service in Berkshire
Slough pharmacy offers Free NHS Blood Pressure checking Service in Berkshire. The Target of NHS Blood Pressure Check Service is risk identification and prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This service is popular as NHS Community Pharmacy Blood Pressure Check Service as it relies heavily on community pharmacies like ours.
This service is intended to:
- Identify people who have crossed the age of 40 and have not been previously diagnosed with hypertension (high blood pressure), and to refer those with suspected hypertension for proper management.
- Promote healthy conduct in service users.
- Conduct ad hoc clinic and ambulatory blood pressure measurements at the demand of general practice.
High blood pressure and CVD
The foundation of this NHS service is the idea that people over 40 should be assessed for hypertension treatment if they have a verified high blood pressure reading after ambulatory monitoring, taking into account specific risk factors.
CVD and why its prevention is important
CVD is second most common reason for premature death in England, after cancer, affecting 7 million people. Quarter of all premature deaths are caused by CVD. High BP considerably increases the risk of having a heart attack or stroke, but timely detection and treatment can grant longer healthier lives to people. The NHS Long Term Plan is focussed on tackling health inequalities and the avoidance of ill health and aims to avert 150,000 strokes and heart attacks caused by CVD, over the next ten years.

What the service will provide
A community pharmacy like ours will have to opportunistically measure the BP of consenting adults who visit it, by offering a free blood pressure check to anyone who:
- has crossed the age of 40;
- has not been identified as having hypertension or a related condition previously; and
- has not had their BP measured by a health professional within last six months.

At the conclusion of a consultation, where readings indicate:
- normal BP, the pharmacist will recommend healthy behaviours.
- high blood pressure, the pharmacist will offer ABPM (Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring) and side by side will promote healthy behaviours.
- very high blood pressure, the pharmacist will urgently advise the patient to see his or her GP within 24 hours and the pharmacist will intimate the patient’s GP practice via NHS mail or via some other locally agreed platform.
- low blood pressure, the pharmacist will provide apt advice and may also refer the patient to their GP if there are any risks.
All blood pressure readings are sent to the GP from the community pharmacy so that records can be updated and proper action can be taken. We completely understand the importance of our role in NHS Community Pharmacy Blood Pressure Check Service and are regarded as best NHS Community Pharmacy Blood Pressure Check Service provider in Slough.
What the service will provide :
A community pharmacy like ours will have to opportunistically measure the BP of consenting adults who visit it, by offering a free blood pressure check to anyone who:
- has crossed the age of 40;
- has not been identified as having hypertension or a related condition previously; and
- has not had their BP measured by a health professional within last six months.